
WoW – WoD : régénération active de mana

Un long article sur le forum de l'alpha, posté par Celestalon, revient sur le sujet douloureux (pour les soigneurs) de la régénération active de mana. En effet, elle a tout simplement été supprimée dans la dernière version !


Dans un premier temps, ce n'était pas une fonctionnalité similaire à la mitigation active des tanks malgré la similitude des noms. Finalement, elle n'avait que peu d'impact et c'était d'ailleurs le souci. Car pour la rendre utile, il aurait fallu augmenter cet impact, rendant les choses totalement déséquilibrées.

Ils auraient pu l'augmenter mais ils ont jugé que cela modifierait trop le mode de jeu des soigneurs. En se basant sur des sources actives de régénération, il aurait alors fallu que les soigneurs fassent des pauses, utilisant des capacités spécifiques pour régénérer leur Mana, rendant le jeu peu amusant pour beaucoup de joueurs, qu'ils soient nouveaux ou actuels.

Rassurez-vous cependant : les soigneurs auront toujours un moyen de contrôler leur Mana. Tout d'abord en choisissant des sorts parmi un panel important offrant différents efficacités et coûts. En étant particulièrement efficace, un soigneur pourra dépenser moins de Mana qu'il n'en régénère (en tout cas en équipement de qualité bleu de donjons). En améliorant son équipement, il obtiendra plus d'Esprit, la Mana se régénérera donc plus rapidement, tandis que les soins seront plus efficaces. Si sa Mana est trop basse, il ne devra plus forcément arrêter de soigner : il faudra juste qu'il choisisse  des sorts moins gourmands en Mana ! La Mana remontera alors toute seule.

Enfin, on apprend que les soigneurs auront désormais tous un moyen d'infliger des dégâts modérés sans coût de Mana. Les soigneurs ne s'ennuieront donc plus, même lorsqu'il n'y a pas de soins à prodiguer !

Par Celestalon Source

As you may have noticed, the most recent update to the patch notes included the removal of the Active Mana Regeneration, and I'd like to take a moment to explain that a bit.

First, I'd like to dispel some misconceptions about what Active Mana Regeneration was. Due to the similar name, and how it had its own section in the patch notes, some people were under the impression that it was as significant a feature as Active Mitigation was for tanks; that was not the case. It was quite minor in its impact. We found, based on internal testing, that in order to make it impactful, we'd have to make it much, *much* stronger. As it was, most forms of it were only worth using when you had mismanaged your Mana and were trying to recover. Based on its low and unintuitive usage, we decided to remove it.

Now, a fair question to ask is, “Why not just tune it stronger, so it *is* worth using?” We considered that heavily. There is probably a design where most of your Mana regeneration comes from active sources, and all healers spend a significant portion of their time and ability usage actively regenerating their Mana. However, that is a gigantic change to healer gameplay, for all healers. Many existing healers would not enjoy that style of gameplay, and we're not even sure that it'd be better gameplay for a new player anyway. Overall, we think that, while that option does seem like it could potentially function, it would not be good for the game.

So where does that leave healers for Mana management? Rest assured, healers will still have significant control over their Mana. The primary method for doing that is through spell selection. We've tuned healers such that they have a mixture of high efficiency and high throughput heals. If you maximize efficiency, you’ll actually be spending less than you regenerate (as of about blue dungeon gear), so your Mana bar will actually be going up. The way you’ll spend that Mana is through high throughput heals, which will let you burn more mana for more throughput. As your gear improves, you'll get more and more Spirit, so that your Mana refills faster while casting efficient heals. And that additional Mana will translate into more and more of your spell casts being high throughput ones, as you get better gear. The key, as it relates to Active Mana Regeneration, is that if you find yourself at 30% Mana, and the boss is still at 50% health, you do have something to do to catch up: lean more on your efficient heals, until you catch up. You'll never end up in a situation where you run OOM and are unable to cast anything. Also important to note, all healers have some way to deal minor damage with no Mana cost now, so that they have something to do when there is no healing needed, if you're the type of player that feels compelled to always be casting something.

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