WoW – WoD : équilibrage et JcJ
L'équilibrage en JcJ est actuellement un sujet de discussion très animé sur les forums. Voyons un peu ce que prévoient les développeurs.
Dans une première intervention, Lore a indiqué qu'il serait bien d'avoir plus d'équité dans les rencontres mais dispatcher les joueurs en fonction de leur équipement poserait pas mal de soucis, notamment pour les files d'attente. Ca ne serait pas très amusant pour les joueurs d'avoir des files d'attente de plus d'1h. Ceci dit, ils travaillent actuellement sur deux pistes, même s'il est encore trop tôt pour donner des détails :
- améliorer les champs de bataille aléatoires à Warlords.
- améliorer les temps d'attente en file d'attente.
We talk about stuff like this from time to time, but it's not quite so simple. For example, queue times are a big issue. Separating players out by item level certainly wouldn't help, and in fact, could make things far worse. Having more equally-matched opponents in your random BG would be nice, but having to wait an hour or longer... not so much 🙁
That said, we're hoping to make a lot of improvements to Random BG's in Warlords. If we get the opportunity to do something like this, we can look into it.
Side note since I brought it up: we're also looking into queue times. We have a few ideas for changes we might make, but nothing for certain to share just yet.
Bashiok a également donné pas mal d'informations concernant l'équilibrage du JcJ à bas niveau dans un autre sujet où on discutait justement d'équilibrage. Il a tout d'abord commencé son message par une phrase que tout le monde connait désormais : WoW est un gros jeu et les développeurs doivent concentrer leurs efforts sur là où se trouve la majorité des joueurs = le niveau maximum.
Par la suite, il a cependant confirmé que des ajustements allaient être effectués dans Warlords pour améliorer l'équilibrage du JcJ à bas niveau. Pour cela, ils vont travailler sur 2 axes :
- offrir une meilleure courbe de progression grâce à l'ajustement des statistiques (item squish).
- s'assurer qu'on puisse avoir un impact sur d'autres joueurs, même avec un gros écart de niveaux (comme à Vanilla).
- supprimer des compétences et revoir le moment où l'on obtient chaque capacité.
Pour ce dernier point, c'est un travail compliqué car cela demande de vérifier, pour chaque niveau, que chaque personnage de chaque spécialité soit équilibré face à un autre personnage ayant un niveau et une spécialité autre. Dans tous les cas, ils attendent d'avoir nos retours sur la bêta (et on ne demande qu'à tester !).
I had originally written here how World of Warcraft is a really big game, and while we know there are a lot of different types of activities outside of max-level content that people enjoy, we're not always going to be able to focus on each of them all of time. But it wasn't written particularly well and I feel like my points were probably fairly obvious to everyone. 🙂
Anyway, in short: we will be address some low-level PvP balance in Warlords.
First off it's worth noting the item squish. While individual brackets might not see a huge change, certainly the power curve between levels will be a smoother one. It'll have a bigger impact on world PvP as it'll be more like it was in vanilla, and relative power between characters won't see these dramatic swings. Back in the day even if you were 10, 20 or even 30 levels lower than someone else, you still had some shot at getting away, if not actually killing them. Of course as people start gearing up again that disparity will grow in the outdoor world, but it should be fun to get back to a smoother character power curve, and it'll at least always hold true for sub level-100 gank attempts.
We recognize that low-level PvP balance just hasn't gotten the attention it needs, and that's largely due to us having to focus our attention on content that the majority of players focus their attention (e.g. max level). In Warlords we're going to be doing a bit of ability shuffling (read: deleting) which is going to result in the need to smooth out the ability-acquisition pacing (when you get a new ability and at what level), and we'll also be taking a pass on low-level balance at the same time. It's difficult because of the spread of people across all levels and ensuring every ability of every spec at any one particular level vs. another character/level/spec of another level have parity. Low level brackets just inherently bring a measure of un-balance with them due to the possible level difference, which is necessary to ensure they can fill up with enough players. Our goal is primarily to smooth out the outlying abilities - and this is hand-in-hand with the item squish - to ensure the base damage of all the abilities before scaling is appropriate. There are just some obvious tuning problems right now that we'll take care of, and then as much finer tuning as we can manage. We'll be looking for feedback during beta.
Enfin, Bashiok est revenu sur le marqueur JcJ et le souci que cela pose à de nombreux joueurs, notamment sur les serveurs JcE, qui passent par mégarde en JcJ : soin sur une personne marquée, clic par erreur, dégâts de zone... Ils travaillent actuellement sur un système qui empêcherait de passer en JcJ, peu importe son action, mais c'est un travail important car cela implique de nombreux systèmes. Ils sont cependant conscients que c'est une fonctionnalité que devraient avoir les joueurs JcE.
Well, I understand where you're coming from, but flagging as a PvE character is based on a player's action to flag themselves (even if it's on accident), so I'm not sure it's us making you PvP. The systems that can cause someone to flag can absolutely at times be involuntary, which is notably frustrating.
In any case we are continuing toward a goal of a PvP on/off toggle for players on PvE realms to be added in Warlords of Draenor, which would absolutely and in all situations allow someone to refrain from becoming flagged regardless of their actions. Heals toward flagged players would fail, coalescing to PvP realms wouldn't be possible, misclicks and AoE's would never damage a flagged opponent, etc. It's actually quite a bit of work because of all the systems involved, but it's still something we think PvE players should have, and how the game should work for them.
A surveiller et surtout, à tester !