ESO – Loremaster, raconte-nous une histoire
Voilà, c'est malin, depuis que j'ai vu cette annonce du site officiel de TESO, Loremaster, raconte-nous une histoire, Vol. I, j'ai un refrain qui me trotte dans la tête (père castor..). Je vous invite donc à votre tour à chantonner cette chanson de notre enfance tout en profitant de ce conte de Tamriel lu par Lawrence Schick :
Welcome, to story time. Tonight, A Tamrielic Lullaby
In the great green tomb
There was a chaurus
And a draugr that had been dead since Sundas
And a picture of...
A guar jumping over the Mundus
And there were two netches sitting on benches
And a frost troll with a sweet roll
And an Orcish oaf with a horker loaf
And a storm atronach with the Wabbajack
And an old Moth priest who was whispering, "magicka"
Goodnight Mundus
Goodnight chaurus
Goodnight guar jumping over the Mundus
Goodnight draugr that had been dead since Sundas
Goodnight frost troll
Goodnight sweet roll
Goodnight Orcish oaf with a horker loaf
Goodnight atronach
Goodnight wabbajack
And Goodnight to the Moth priest whispering, "magicka"
Goodnight ogrim, Dremora, clannfear
Goodnight Daedra everywhere