
WoW – Explication pour les comptes Vétéran

Rappelez-vous, lors de l'exploration du client de la 6.1 actuellement sur le serveur de test, des chaînes de caractère avaient été trouvées laissant penser que Blizzard avait mis en place un nouveau niveau de compte, appelé Vétéran.

Une communication officielle a été publiée hier à ce propos. Bashiok explique qu'actuellement, si tu n'as jamais été abonné à WoW, tu peux créer un compte d'essai et jouer autant que tu veux malgré les limitations de l'Edition découverte. Par contre, si tu as déjà été abonné, tu ne peux même plus te connecter. Cela va changer !

A partir de la 6.1, les comptes n'ayant plus d'abonnement vont repasser en mode Edition découverte avec les mêmes limitations à une exception : les personnages de niveau 20 et moins des vétérans pourront rejoindre une guilde où se trouve un de leurs autres personnages.

En interne, ils utilisent le terme de Vétéran, mais il y a peu de chance qu'en externe ce terme soit réutilisé. Ce sera tout simplement l'état par défaut de tous les comptes n'ayant plus d'abonnement actif.

Par Bashiok Source

We’ve always had this kind of weird limitation where if you’ve never played WoW we let you play as much as you want, albeit in a very restricted Starter Edition account. However, if you have ever had a subscription--but don’t currently have one--we don’t even let you log in. In 6.1 we’ll effectively revert lapsed accounts into a Starter Edition “mode”, with all of the same restrictions. The one difference being that your sub-level 20 characters will be able to join a guild if any of your other characters are still in that guild.

The label for this mode internally is “Veteran”, and those are the strings that were datamined, but it’s unlikely to be a term we use to any great degree externally. It will simply be the default state for accounts that don’t currently have an active subscription.

ERR_GUILD_TRIAL_ACCOUNT_VETERAN:: Veteran Edition accounts cannot join guilds without an existing character in the guild.
CAP_REACHED_VETERAN:: Veteran Edition cap reached.
ERR_INVITE_RESTRICTED_VETERAN:: Veteran Edition accounts cannot invite characters into groups. [Click To Upgrade]
ERR_RESTRICTED_ACCOUNT_VETERAN:: Veteran Edition accounts cannot perform that action
CALENDAR_ERROR_MODERATOR_RESTRICTED_VETERAN:: Veteran Edition accounts cannot modify Calendar events.
MONEY_CAP_REACHED_VETERAN:: You already have the maximum amount of money on a Veteran Edition account. [Click Here] to upgrade your account!
ERR_PETITION_RESTRICTED_VETERAN:: Veteran Edition accounts may not sign guild charters. [Click To Upgrade]
ERR_RESTRICTED_ACCOUNT_LFG_LIST_VETERAN:: Veteran Edition accounts cannot use this feature.
SPELL_FAILED_VETERAN_TRIAL_ABOVE_SKILL_RANK_MAX:: Not available for trial accounts
CAPPED_MONEY_VETERAN:: Veteran Edition money cap reached.
ERR_YELL_RESTRICTED_VETERAN:: Veteran Edition accounts cannot yell. [Click To Upgrade]
ERR_CHAT_RESTRICTED_VETERAN:: Veteran Edition accounts cannot send unlimited tells. You must wait before you can send tells to more players. [Click To Upgrade]
CAPPED_LEVEL_VETERAN:: Veteran Edition level cap reached.
LEVEL_CAP_REACHED_VETERAN:: You have reached the maximum possible level on a Veteran Edition account. [Click Here] to upgrade your account!
CHAT_TRIAL_RESTRICTED_NOTICE_VETERAN:: Veteran Edition accounts cannot send messages to this channel. [Click To Upgrade]
ERR_FEATURE_RESTRICTED_VETERAN:: Feature not available for Veteran Edition accounts.
CHAT_RESTRICTED_VETERAN:: A Veteran Edition account may only send whispers to characters that have you on their friends list. |cffffd000|HurlIndex:2|h[Click To Upgrade]|h|r

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