
WoW – 6.1 : de nouvelles quêtes répétables

La question se posera toujours sur WoW !


Comme le dit Bashiok, il y a des gens qui aiment bien, d'autres qui n'aiment pas. Il y a quelques quêtes répétables actuellement en jeu, mais ce n'est qu'une partie des outils à leurs dispositions pour nous proposer du contenu. Beaucoup de choses peuvent être réalisées de différents moyens, le tout est d'utiliser intelligemment le bon outil au bon endroit. Et quand on sait que WoW accueille différents types profils de joueurs, occasionnel et régulier, et que chacun doit y trouver son compte, cela devient très compliqué de trouver un bon équilibre qui conviendra à tout le monde !

En tout cas, à la 6.1, une nouvelle série de quêtes sera journalière. Il y aura plusieurs types de missions et de multiples missions pour chaque type. Elles seront données de façon aléatoire. On pourra donc réaliser sa mission mais si on veut faire tous les types chaque jour, il faudra se coordonner avec d'autres joueurs pour visiter les fiefs des uns et des autres et obtenir les tâches de chaque type. En récompense, il y aura quelques hauts faits, des objets amusants et quelques interactions avec les professions d'artisanat et des composants.

Par Bashiok Source

We don't think dailies are evil or anything, and we don't think most people think they're evil either, there are obviously some in the game now, but they can be a force for good... or a force for evil... ;D Like anything it's really just about using them as one of many tools in our toolbox. We can do lots of things in lots of different ways, and it's just about trying to be smart about how to best use each piece of content or type of mechanic in the best ways possible.

Lots of people play WoW, and there are lots of different types of players, with different amounts of time to play, and different tastes for the content and difficulty and time commitment they want to give to any of those pieces of content. The person that plays for an hour or so a few times a week is playing the same game as the person that plays five hours every night, and so that requires a lot of different types of content with lots of different types of players in-mind, and really trying to make sure we're giving everyone something they enjoy. It's hard!

Reminds me of a quote from a recent interview with Neil Peart--certainly one of the greatest living drummers, if not of all time--and his mom wondering why he doesn't smile more while he plays drums, and his answer: "It's hard!" Being talented, or even being the best, doesn't save anyone from the requirement of determination and a herculean effort to get it done well.

Anyway, in 6.1 (as announced) we have a new series of quests--tasks, if you will--that will be daily, and also be randomized among you and your friends. So people will be able to coordinate, and visit each others Garrisons, and get these tasks. There's a variety of quest types, and then multiple missions within each type, and so you can just do yours, or really make sure you do all of the types each day by coordinating with friends/guild mates. Rewards vary but they're all very opt-in in nature. There are a bunch of achievements, some fun rewards, and some interactions with professions and crafting materials.

We think it'll be a fun addition that is daily but not... OH NO IT'S DAILY, and as always we'll be looking for feedback and testing once the PTR spins up.

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