
WoW – Recherche de groupe inter-serveurs

On voit que les technologies évoluent chez Blizzard ! Après le courrier inter-serveurs, voici la recherche de raid inter-serveurs.


En effet, dans un message sur le site officiel, Watcher a rappelé à tous que cet outil existait. Totalement inutilisé actuellement, cet outil a été remis au goût du jour dès maintenant, sans attendre Warlords. Si on clique sur l'onglet "Formation de raid" dans la fenêtre Sociale (raccourci O) dédiée aux raids, on remarquera l'ajout de deux nouvelles catégories : raids flexibles de Mists of Pandaria et boss hors instance (Astres vénérables). On peut donc cocher  les raids qui nous intéressent puis choisir sur "M'inscrire". La file d'attente sera inter-serveurs !

Par Watcher Source

Did you know that WoW includes a raid browser to assist with finding or forming groups? Don't worry, neither do most people. But it exists, and as we work towards revamping and expanding this feature for Warlords, we figured that we could also improve the usefulness of the existing functionality in the short-term.

If you click the "Other Raids" button in the social Raid tab, you'll see a list of raids. For 5.4.2, we've added two new categories, Mists of Pandaria Raid (Flex) and World Boss, which are specially enabled to function cross-realm. If you're looking to join a group for these activities, you can check off the appropriate fields and click "List My Name" below, and you'll put yourself into the LFG pool for those activities. For these specific activities, this pool will function cross-realm.

If you click over to the "Browse" tab on the right side of the screen, and select one of these activities from the drop-down list, you'll see a list of players across all servers who are looking to join groups for that activity.

Please give this a try on the PTR, and report any feedback or bugs you encounter. Thanks!


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